Be a super agent and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the case. Many useful clues have been found and it's time for you come out with the whole truth. All the evidence proves that he is the criminal. Collect all evidence and bring the bad guys to justice. It's time to arrest him. Let's go!
1. OMG. Alan is coming here. He sneaked up on Eric and tried to destroy the evidence. Can he be any worse?
2. Was high school boy Eric injured in the fight? Give Him a head-to-toe health check.
3. Be a super agent and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the case.
4.Great. Many useful clues have been found. Mermaid Princess Mia scratched the kidnapper's arm when she struggled with him. Do the blood test to find the truth.
5. Collect all evidence and bring the bad guys to justice.
6. All the evidence proves that he is the criminal. It's time to arrest him. Let's go!
7. The bad days are over. The mystery kidnapper had been arrested and princess mermaid Mia can breathe again.
8. Good News. Your crush high school boy Eric asks you to hang out. Will he confess his feeling to you? So Excited about it!
9. Oh, no. The gossip girl Lily has just eavesdropped two sweethearts. She couldn't wait to share the gossip with her good friend Kim.
10. Kim is just spoiled and arrogant. How can she accept a boy she likes to date with other girl?
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